About Us

About Premise Content Publishing

At Premise Content Publishing, we believe in the transformative power of journaling. Personal growth begins with self-awareness, and our thoughtfully designed journals are crafted to inspire creativity, joy, and meaningful reflection. Our mission is to empower you to explore your unique path through journaling, whether your goal is self-discovery, playful fun, or practical productivity.

Our Story

Premise Content Publishing grew from a simple yet profound idea: journaling is a powerful tool for change. Inspired by her personal journey of self-discovery, our founder, Davina, set out to create journals for every mood and combine beauty with functionality. Today, we offer a collection of guided and blank journals designed to help individuals reflect, grow, and thrive at every stage of life.

Our Name

The name “Premise Content” reflects our belief that everyone has the capacity for personal growth. It’s our premise that self-awareness unlocks potential, and journaling unlocks awareness!

What Makes Us Different?

We understand the inspiration that comes from a beautiful, charming, or humorous journal cover. A great cover can be the spark that motivates you to write! That's why we pour thought and care into every design. Our journals are crafted by people who cherish journaling and want to share the fun and value with others.

Why Journaling?

Journaling is more than writing—it’s a journey of self-discovery. By putting pen to paper, you can gain clarity, ignite creativity, and pave the way for personal growth. Whether you’re setting goals, organizing your life, exploring emotions, or capturing cherished memories, journaling helps you connect with yourself on a deeper level.

We offer blank journals for open-ended exploration, guided journals for structured support, including tracking food, emotions, sleep, or blood pressure, beautifully designed Prayer Journals, and unique Bible Verse Study Journals for those seeking a deeper connection with Spirit. At Premise Content Publishing, we’re passionate about making personal growth accessible and meaningful.

Ready to explore?

Browse our guided and blank journals to find the perfect companion for your journey of self-discovery.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to share your journaling journey, we’re here to connect.

Email: info@premisecontent.com
Follow Us: Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook